




台灣總公司(Taiwan) 地址:桃縣龜山鄉民生北路一段572號5樓(光速21) 電話:886-3-3522338 電話:886-3-3522339

工廠:桃縣蘆竹鄉大豐街17-3號 電話:886-3-3228986 傳真:886-3-3520233

http://www.sixphase.com.tw http://www.sil-pad.com.tw E-mail:sixphase@ms9.hinet.net

關 於 六 相

本公司為Thermal Pad專業製造廠。


本公司的營業範圍領域涵蓋矽膠絕緣導熱墊,矽膠絕緣套管,帽套,矽膠絕緣片,EMI吸波材,矽膠專用防火劑等。Six Phase Co, Ltd was first built up in San-chung in June 1981. It has a capital of NT$6,000,000.

In it's early years, its main product was cap for high-pressure wire for cars. Later, Domestic eletronic industry was developing very fast; however mica sheet was still used as the main insulator to solve the radiation problem of transistors. Because mica sheet is a kind of natural mineral, it has no thermal-conductive effect. So it is necessary to apply radiation paste on it to compensate its thermal effect when mica sheet is used as an insulator.

However, to use mica sheet means waste of human resource; moreover, the radiation paste itself has volatile reaction, so its thermal-conductive function will fall after a long period of time. Consequently, quality of products will be badly affected. On account of that, I who is interested in developing new products and encouraged by my friends, devoted myself to studying and developing the silicon rubber sheet. After improving the

machines and the compounding of chemicals several times, I succeeded in developing the silicon rubber sheet, which is thermal-conductive, electically insulating and fireproof. This product was admitted to UL Co. USA and UL 94 V-0. Its thickness is 0.25mm~10mm UL No. E 89757.

At that time, silicon rubber sheet was strange to the electronic enterprisers. They did not believe that a silicon rubber sheet had the three functions thermal conductivity, insulation and fireproof. After I tried to propagandize it for years, they finally accept it. Today, they all use silicon rubber sheet to solve the radiation problem of transistors. Likewise, the bonding thimble is developed and produced in the same way.

To solve the problem of daily increasing operation of our company, we moved to the present location in 1993 and our capital increased to NT$20,000,000. And our production amount 60,000M/month; then, I developed the high thermal-conductive laminating pad of the silicon rubber sheet used for the computer CPU.

At the same time, I felt that it was necessary to protect the product I studied and developed and to guarantee the customers’right, so I applied to the National Bureau of Standard, ROC for a patent to fight against the infringement in Taiwan. Now I have the patent right for 20 years from 1994 to 2014, No. 66461.

I do not think this is enough for me; on the contrary, I remind myself that electronic enterprise is constantly changing and new electronic products are developed every day. So I must work hard to study and develop new products. The products now I plan to produce are disaggregating agent and fire-fighting agent. I have planned to mass-produce them in March 1995. All of us should work hard to make progress for our company and we need your advice and support, too.

By Six Phase;
Founder/ Ex Chairman
Mr. Huang Chin Sheng (deceased)